A trolley of mass 3 kg moves with a velocity of 1.5 m s − 1 towards a stationary trolley of mass 2 kg. after the collision, the two trolleys move together. what is the common velocity of the two trolleys?
A pistol weighing 1.4 kg fires out a bullet weighing 1.6 g. if the pistol jerks backwards with a velocity of 0.2 ms-1, what is the velocity of the bullet?
A trolley of mass 400g moving with a velocity of 2.0 ms-1 collides with a trolley B of mass 500g moving in the opposite direction with a velocity of 2.5 ms-1. if trolley B moves with a velocity of 1.5ms-1 in the same direction after the collision, what is the velocity of trolley A after the collision?
An arrow weighing 150g is shot at a piece of wood weighing 450g that is on a slippery surface. when the collision of the arrow moves horizontally with a velocity of 15 ms-1. calculate the common velocity after the collision.
A bullet of mass 20g is fired from a rifle of mass 5kg with a velocity of 200 ms-1. what is the jerk velocity of the rifle?
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