Antarctica is roughly semicircular, with a radius of 2000 km (see the figure). The average thickness of its ice cover is 3000 m. How many cubic centimeters of ice does Antarctica contain? (Ignore the curvature of Earth.)
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Muhammad adeel
09.09.19, 13:14
With all due respect your amswer is wrong. The question clearly states
that Antarctica is a semicircle and in case you forgot the formula for
the area of a semicircle is (π×r^2)/ 2 not πr^2 so the answer would
be different
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With all due respect your amswer is wrong. The question clearly states that Antarctica is a semicircle and in case you forgot the formula for the area of a semicircle is (π×r^2)/ 2 not πr^2 so the answer would be different
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