1. Faster, smaller, and more powerful computers that consume far less power, with longer-lasting batteries. Circuits made from carbon nanotubes could be vital in maintaining the growth of computer power, allowing Moore's Law to continue.
2. Faster, more functional, and more accurate medical diagnostic equipment. Lab-on-a-chip technology enables point-of-care testing in real time, which speeds up delivery of medical care. Nanomaterial surfaces on implants improve wear and resist infection.
3. Nanoparticles in pharmaceutical products improve their absorption within the body and make them easier to deliver, often through combination medical devices. Nanoparticles can also be used to deliver chemotherapy drugs to specific cells, such as cancer cells.
4. Improved vehicle fuel efficiency and corrosion resistance by building vehicle parts from nanocomposite materials that are lighter, stronger, and more chemically resistant than metal. Nanofilters remove nearly all airborne particles from the air before it reaches the combustion chamber, further improving gas mileage.
5. Nanoparticles or nanofibers in fabrics can enhance stain resistance, water resistance, and flame resistance, without a significant increase in weight, thickness, or stiffness of the fabric. For example, “nano-whiskers” on pants make them resistant to water and stains.
6. Water filters that are only 15-20 nanometers wide can remove nano-sized particles, including virtually all viruses and bacteria. These cost-efficient, portable water treatment systems are ideal for improving the quality of drinking water in emerging countries.
7. Carbon nanotubes have a variety of commercial uses, including making sports equipment stronger and lighter weight. For example, a tennis racket made with carbon nanotubes bends less during impact, and increases the force and accuracy of the delivery. Nanoparticle-treated tennis balls can keep bouncing twice as long as standard tennis balls.
8. Most sunscreens today are made from nanoparticles that effectively absorb light, including the more dangerous ultraviolet range. They also spread more easily over the skin. These same nanoparticles are also used in food packaging to reduce UV exposure and prolong shelf life.
9. Many drink bottles are made from plastics containing nanoclays, which increase resistance to permeation by oxygen, carbon dioxide, and moisture. This helps retain carbonation and pressure and increases shelf life by several months.
10. Thanks to nanotechnology, a huge variety of chemical sensors can be programmed to detect a particular chemical at amazingly low levels, for example, a single molecule out of billions. This capability is ideal for surveillance and security systems at labs, industrial sites, and airports. On the medical front, nanosensors can also be used to accurately identify particular cells or substances in the body.
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