Which of the following is NOT true of experiments involving curved mirrors?
image distance is negative for for real image
object distance is positive
image distance is negative for virtual image
focal length is negative for convex mirrors
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15.09.14, 18:30
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15.09.14, 15:31
The slope of the graph of T2 plotted on the vertical axis againnst l
on the horizontal axis is used to determine the value of -----------
frequency period phase acceleration due to gravity 2 The length of
each side of a cube measured with verier callipers is 30mm.If the
venier callipers can be read with an uncertainty of ±0.14 mm, what
does this give for approximate uncertainty in the value of its volume?
1% 0.005% 0.02% 0.01% 3 In an experiment to determine the surface
tension of water, the travelling
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
The slope of the graph of T2 plotted on the vertical axis againnst l on the horizontal axis is used to determine the value of ----------- frequency period phase acceleration due to gravity 2 The length of each side of a cube measured with verier callipers is 30mm.If the venier callipers can be read with an uncertainty of ±0.14 mm, what does this give for approximate uncertainty in the value of its volume? 1% 0.005% 0.02% 0.01% 3 In an experiment to determine the surface tension of water, the travelling
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