A) a thin film of gasoline floats on a puddle of water.sun light falls almost perpendicularly on the film and reflects in to your eyes. although the sun light is white, since it contains all colors the film has a yellow hue because distractive interference has occurred eliminating the color of blue (wave length= 4.69 * 10^-7 m)from the reflected light. if the refractive index of gas and water are 1.4 and 1.33 determine the minimum thickness of the film.
B) A scuba diver 20 meters beneath the smooth surface of a clear lake looks upward and judges the sun to be 40 degree from directly overhead. at the same time a fisherman is in a boat directly above a diver.
1) at what angle from the vertical would the fisher man measure the sun?
2) if the fisherman looks downward at what depth below the surface would he judge the diver
to be ?
C) to help keep cool yourself in the summer or sunny day black colored umbrella shades have been used frequently what is your scientific justific
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