A small object is placed 20 cm in front of a block of glass 10 cm thick and its farther side silvered.The image is formed 22 cm behind the silvered face.Find refractive index of glass.
options are :
(1) 1.15
(2) 1.25
(3) 1.67
(4) 1.1
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Assignment Expert
02.07.18, 16:20
Dear Muskan, this problem can be solved in a following way. Observer
will see the mirror closer due to refraction in glass slab. Let now
consider this distance as 20 + x. On the other hand, image distance
from the mirror should be the same and we can write as 22 + (10 - x).
Now we can find that x = 6, and the real depth of the slab is 10. So
we obtain the same answer n=10/6=1.67
29.06.18, 08:30
Why we have add x to the thickness of glass slab and equate it to 22
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Dear Muskan, this problem can be solved in a following way. Observer will see the mirror closer due to refraction in glass slab. Let now consider this distance as 20 + x. On the other hand, image distance from the mirror should be the same and we can write as 22 + (10 - x). Now we can find that x = 6, and the real depth of the slab is 10. So we obtain the same answer n=10/6=1.67
Why we have add x to the thickness of glass slab and equate it to 22
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