The gases in the cylinder of an internal combustion engine have a specific internal energy of 800 kJ/kg and a specific volume of 0.06 m3/kg at the beginning of expansion. The expansion of the gases may be assumed to take place according to pn1.5=constant, from 55 bar to 1.4 bar. The specific internal energy after expansion is 230 kJ/kg. Calculate the heat rejected to the cylinder cooling water per kilogram of gases during the expansion stroke.
Ans: 104 kJ/kg
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Assignment Expert
07.11.19, 16:13
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Reem Adel
07.11.19, 08:45
An engine cylinder of 0.1 m^3 capacity and 5.5 kg mass contains air at
a gauge pressure of 3.45×10^5 Pa and a temperature of 30°C.
Atmospheric pressure is 752mm of mercury. Calculate the mass of air in
the engine cylinder. (Specific gas constant of air = Rair = 287 J/kgK)
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
An engine cylinder of 0.1 m^3 capacity and 5.5 kg mass contains air at a gauge pressure of 3.45×10^5 Pa and a temperature of 30°C. Atmospheric pressure is 752mm of mercury. Calculate the mass of air in the engine cylinder. (Specific gas constant of air = Rair = 287 J/kgK)
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