1. A mixture of air and gasoline vapor in a cylinder with a piston. if the combustion of the mixture releases 1.3KJ of energy and the gases expand against a constant external pressure of 1.2 atm, determine the volume change. How would you thermodynamically describe this expansion
2. 3.0 mol of a monoatomic perfect gas are in a cylinder at equilibrium with a piston imposing pressure of 2.0 atm at 120 degree Celsius. the gas undergoes reversible, adiabatic expansion to double its volume. calculate q, w, deltaU, delta S, delta G for this change
3. Balloons are used in monitoring meterorological events and atmospheric chem. The perfect gas law can be used to provide a rough estimate for ballooning mechanics.
a) suppose your balloon has a radius of 3.0m and it is spherical. what amount of H2 (moles) is needed to inflate it to 1.0 atm at 25 degree Celsius?
b) the balloon will only go up if the mass of the volume of air is displaced by the balloon is more than the mass of the ballon, the gas inside, and the load it carries.f the density of air is 1.22 kgm cube what mass can the balloon lift under these conditions?
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