So I was thinking about Hawking's claim that matter entering a black hole is destroyed, which obviously violates our first law of thermodynamics. My question is why can't hawking be right and wrong at the same time? Imagine there are two barrels. A red and blue. There are an equal number of apples in each(5). If I remove a apple the red barrel and put it in the blue barrel, is the apple still apart of the red barrel bundle or is it now considered part of the blue? So why would the same not apply here. The law prevents matters destruction in this universe, but if the matter is no longer a part of this universe, would the law still prevent it from being destroyed? Is it the law preventing the destruction or is it the matter preventing the destruction? If a black hole was a entrance or exit to some place outside of our universe, wouldn't hawking be both correct and wrong at the same time? Can matter be destroyed as long as its not apart of the system it originated from?
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