The Mandelstam variables are numerical quantities that encode the energy, momentum, and angles of particles in a scattering process in a Lorentz-invariant fashion. They are used for scattering processes of two particles to two particles.
If the Minkowski metric is chosen to be
"{\\mathrm {diag}}(1,-1,-1,-1)", the Mandelstam variables s,t,u are then defined by
Where "p_1\\ and\\ p_2" are the four-momenta of the incoming particles and "p_3\\ and\\ p_4" are the four-momenta of the outgoing particles, and we are using relativistic units (c=1).
s is also known as the square of the center-of-mass energy (invariant mass) and t is also known as the square of the four-momentum transfer.
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