"m=505 \\ g= 0.505 \\ kg"
"T_i=100^{\\circ} C"
"c=130 \\ J(^{\\circ}C \\ kg)"
"L_{f}=23\\times 10^3 \\ J\/kg"
"Q \\ - ?"
At first, we need to increase the temperature of the lead from 100ºC to 327.5ºC (melting point).
"Q_1=cm(T_{f}-T_{i})=cm\\Delta T"
"Q_1=130\\times 0.505\\times 227.5=14935.375 \\ J"
Heat necessary for melting the lead:
"Q_2=L_{f} m"
"Q_2=23\\times 10^3\\times 0.505=11615 \\ J"
Total heat required for this to happen:
"Q=Q_1+Q_2=26550.375\\ J=26.5 \\ kJ"
Answer: "26.5 \\ kJ."
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