Solution. The temperature dependence of resistance on temperature can be represented by the formula
where Rt is resistance at temperature t0C ; R0 is resistance at temperature 00C; α=3.94×10^(–3) °C^(–1) and β=–5.82×10^(–7) °C^(–2) are constants. (the formula is valid in the temperature range 00С-8500С) According to the conditions of the problem Rt=15.20Ω,
R0=12.00 Ω. As result get quadratic equation
Find the roots of the quadratic equation
"t_1=\\frac {-3.94\\times10^{-3}-3.86\\times10^{-3}}{-2\\times 5.82\\times 10^{-7}}\\approx 6692^0C"
The temperature t1 does not belong to the interval 00С-8500С.
Answer. 690C
Thanks Guy's
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