Simply solve the problem step-by-step.
1) The driver sees yellow and thinks "Wow, I'd rather slow down now". This thought lasts for 1 second before the driver begins pushing the brake pedal down. Meanwhile the car travels the thinking distance with 60 km/h:
Then the car begins deceleration to the full stop and the distance required to stop is
The total distance (sees the yellow light and the car stops) hence is
Quite a lot. And straight after all that the red turns on. By that moment the car stops.
Thus, yellow must last for
2) Cars inside that distance move with speed of 60 km/h and they are supposed to continue motion. Hence, add the intersection length "L" to our braking distance. From this condition yellow should be turned on for
For medium-size 20 meters intersection this gives time of 4.98 seconds and about 6 seconds for larger intersections, which is inside the braking distance calculated in the first part. So 6.5 seconds of yellow will be enough.
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