a ball is hit with 30 m/s velocity creating an angle of 20 degree.at the place , where the ball reaches it's maximum height, at that point a fielder who is 5 feet and 8 inches tall is fielding.he jumps 2 m high to catch the ball.the distance of the boundary is 70 m from the hitting place.and another fielder is fielding inside 11 m from boundary .
a) will the 1st fielder be able to catch the ball??
b)if the 1st fielder fails to take the catch by any chance , will the 2nd fielder be able to take the catch?
c) does the height of the 1st fielder is necessary to solve part a) ??
Dear tinu, if 1.72 m tall fielder jumps 2 m high then max height is
3.72. And we know the ball at its highest point has the altitude of
5.37 m. Of Course fielder will fail to catch the ball. You are
absolutely right.
27.01.15, 09:08
the question does not tell that the 1st fielder jumps 2 m high from
ground.if i assume it was 2 m high from his length 1.72 m, then the
total height is 4.72m. and he also fails to catch the ball. now
question is is my calculation right?
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Dear tinu, if 1.72 m tall fielder jumps 2 m high then max height is 3.72. And we know the ball at its highest point has the altitude of 5.37 m. Of Course fielder will fail to catch the ball. You are absolutely right.
the question does not tell that the 1st fielder jumps 2 m high from ground.if i assume it was 2 m high from his length 1.72 m, then the total height is 4.72m. and he also fails to catch the ball. now question is is my calculation right?
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