a boatman sails his boat at an speed of 3 km per hour straight to cross a 0.5 km wide river at an angle of 30 degree with the direction of flow whose velocity is 2 km per hour.but the boatman to save his time, sails his boat for 5 minutes in this condition.after that he change the angle to 60 degree and also change the speed of the boat to 4 km per hour and quickly cross the river.how much time he needed to cross the river totally????
The y-component of second velocity is 3*sin60. but i said that the
boatman increased his velocity to 4 km per hour. why did you use 3 in
finding the y-component of second velocity. shouldn't it be 4*sin60 ??
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Dear tinu, find corrected answer above.
The y-component of second velocity is 3*sin60. but i said that the boatman increased his velocity to 4 km per hour. why did you use 3 in finding the y-component of second velocity. shouldn't it be 4*sin60 ??
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