How much energy does a quantum of electromagnetic energy at 400 nm contain? How much more or less is this than a quantum of electromagnetic energy at 2.7 μm?
The energy can be found from the relation "E=h\\nu=hc\/\\lambda", where λ is the wavelength of the quantum. After substitution, we find for λ = 400 nm the energy as
"E_1=\\cfrac{hc}{\\lambda}=\\frac{(6.626\\times 10^{-34}Js)(3\\times 10^8m\/s)}{400\\times 10^{-9}m}\n\\\\ E_1=4.9695\\times 10^{-19}J"
Then for the second quantum, we calculate the energy for λ = 2.7 μm:
"E_2=\\cfrac{hc}{\\lambda}=\\frac{(6.626\\times 10^{-34}Js)(3\\times 10^8m\/s)}{2.7\\times 10^{-6}m}\n\\\\ E_2=7.3622\\times 10^{-20}J"
The relation between the energies is
"E_2\/E_1=\\cfrac{7.3622\\times 10^{-20}J}{4.9695\\times 10^{-19}J}=0.1481"
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