State the Hamilton’s principle. In what is known as folk’s physics analogues
principles are often phrased to describe every day’s experience. For example, water
is said to take a path of least resistance while flowing from one point to another
point*. Likewise, example of least action/effort is also seen in human pathways as
shown in the following bicycle-lane! Discuss if these behaviors somehow relate to
Hamilton’s principle or simply human’s innate behavior of least effort! Have you
acted in similar ?
According to Wikipedia, the Hamilton principle states that "the dynamics of a physical system are determined by a variational problem for a functional based on a single function, the Lagrangian, which may contain all physical information concerning the system and the forces acting on it"
The mentioned behaviors are not a result of human nature (meaning psychology) but a consequence of the fact that human body is a system subjected to laws of physics. Thus, all principles applicable for non-living systems are also applicable for living organisms.
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