For Bob and Alice diagram can be shown as
So according theoritical aspect
Now let’s relate this plot to a similar plot but interpreted by
Bob in his jet. On Alice’s plot (which will be labeled by x
and t) Bob moves off along the slanted worldline. In Bob’s
reference frame he sees himself as standing still and Alice
moving at constant velocity in the –x’ direction (Bob’s
coordinates will be labeled by x’ and t’).
In Alice’s frame, her own worldline is vertical along the ct
axis, because she does not move and is always at x = 0 m, at
Hoover Tower. In Bob’s frame his own worldline is vertical
as well since he is always at x’ = 0 m – always at the same
spot within his jet. With this in mind, we can attempt to combine Alice’s and Bob’s
spacetime plot into one single one. N.B. the two diagrams represent the same 4-dimensional spacetime but plotted in
different coordinate systems, one which corresponds naturally to Alice’s reference frame and the other to Bob’s. The
goal is to represent both coordinate systems on the same plot, this will help visualizing the geometry of 4-
dimensional spacetime.
It is easy to find how to properly plot Bob’s time axis within Alice’s plot. Begin by plotting Alice’s
spacetime plot (with axes x and ct) and add Bob’s worldline but as the time coordinate ct’. This coordinate
represents the IRF with the same velocity as Bob’s jet. The question is how to add Bob’s spatial direction, x’? This
will require a little work. To do this we will need to return to the discussion of simultaneous events viewed in both frames. The following diagram represents Bob’s world line in Alice’s frame of reference as
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