A simplified set of cross sections for Argon gas can be described as:
Elastic collision cross section Qel(E) = 1.59x10-19 m2 x E/E* if E<E* = 11.55 eV
= 1.59x10-19 m2 x sqrt(E*/E) if E>E* = 11.55 eV
Ionization cross section Qion(E) = 0 if E<Ei = 15.9 eV
= 3.18x10-20 m2 x log(E/Ei) x Ei/E if E>Ei = 15.9 eV
Assuming a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function for electrons, plot the following quantities as a
function of the electron temperature in a range from 1 to 10 eV for a plasma at 100 Pa and Tgas = 300K:
1) The average elastic collision frequency
2) The average ionization frequency
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