Electrostatic point spraying is the most efficent way of spraying car bodies.
A)explain why the point drops spread out after bcoming negatively-charged.
B)explain why the car body panel is given an opposite positive charge.
C)suggest two reasons why this method of spraying is very efficient.
Expert's answer
A) The paint drops spread out after becoming negatively-charged. This happens because they all get the same negative charge and so they all repel each other. B) The car body panel is given anopposite positive charge. This happens because positive charge f a car body attracts the negative charged paint droplets. C) 1. The paint droplets spreadout more as they leave the gun. This is better than coming straight out of the gun as the paint will cover a wider area more evenly. 2. The paint droplets areattracted to the positive metal car body, and so less paint will be wasted by landing on the floor or the walls of the paint shop.
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