1) Take "\\bf{\\nabla} \\times" of Maxwell-Faraday differential equation:
2) It's easy to see that in the square brackets of the last right part above there is Ampere's circuit law in the differential form:
3) It can be shown for any vector that "\\bf{\\nabla} \\times[\\bf{\\nabla} \\times \\bf{E}]=\\bf{\\nabla}(\\bf{\\nabla}\\cdot \\bf{E})-\\bf{\\nabla}^2\\bf{E}." But we derive the wave equation in free
space, that is why charge density is 0 and "\\bf{\\nabla} \\times[\\bf{\\nabla} \\times \\bf{E}]" becomes simply "-\\bf{\\nabla}^2\\bf{E}." Use this result in the equation above:
4) Let's polarize our wave in z-direction so that x- and y-components were 0. The wave equation above is written in the vector form. Now written in the scalar form for the z-component it will look like
Thank u sir
Thanks for the help.
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