State, with reasons, whether the following statements are True or False. (2×10)
i) In L-C-R circuit, the current and voltage are in same phase only at a single
ii) Suppressor grid in pentode is kept at anode potential.
iii) Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is a voltage controlled device.
iv) Reverse biasing of a semiconductor junction diode increases its energy band gap.
v) Amplifier with common emitter mode offers maximum current gain.
vi) Rectification efficiency is proportional to the number of diodes used in a rectifier
vii) Slew rate of an op-amp influences its frequency response.
viii) IC 7805 and IC 7905 must always be used together.
ix) Highest Modulus of the ring counter made up of 5 flip-flops is 25.
x) In a CRO the signal input voltage is given to the horizontal deflection plates.
Expert's answer
i. True ii. False iii. False iv. True v. True vi. False vii. True viii. False ix. False x. False
Dear Manisha, the question was to define true/false. If you have
serious assignment that requires large amount of work and hence cannot
be done for free you can submit it as assignment and our experts will
surely assist you.
14.08.18, 19:56
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Dear Manisha, the question was to define true/false. If you have serious assignment that requires large amount of work and hence cannot be done for free you can submit it as assignment and our experts will surely assist you.
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