n identical cells, each of emf e and internal resistance r, are joined in series to form a closed circuit. One cell A is joined with reversed polarity. The potential difference across each cell except A is? The potential difference across A is?
Dear Misha Jain, thank you for your comment. Please, look at new
Misha Jain
03.09.15, 14:58
Dear Sir/Ma'am, The pdf file of the answer you attached is of question
#54438. Please provide answer of my question i.e. question #54447.
Thanks & Regards
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Dear Misha Jain, thank you for your comment. Please, look at new answer.
Dear Sir/Ma'am, The pdf file of the answer you attached is of question #54438. Please provide answer of my question i.e. question #54447. Thanks & Regards
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