Answer to Question #116000 in Electric Circuits for Opeyemi Owonibi

Question #116000
Ampere’s law assignment
Two long parallel wires are 10 cm apart and carry currents of 6 A and 4 A. what is the field B at 4 A carrying wire due to 6 A wire.
Expert's answer

Explanations & calculations

Consider the sketch attached.

  • Consider of the magnetic field induced on the point P by AB finite length conductor.
  • In this question Biot - Savart law is applied which is

"\\qquad\\qquad\ndB = \\frac{\\mu_0i}{4\\pi}\\bigg(\\frac{ldl*\\sin\\theta}{r^2}\\bigg) \\cdots(1)" ; symbols have the standard meanings


  • In the equation above the integral is ldl & have 3 variables within the brackets, which should be reduced to evaluate (lets turn it into an integral of d"\\small \\theta" )
  • "\\qquad\\qquad\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\small r &= \\small \\frac{d}{\\sin\\theta_1}\\cdots(2)\\\\\n\\small l &= \\small \\frac{d}{\\tan\\theta_1} = d\\cot\\theta\\cdots(3)\\\\\n\n\\end{aligned}"
  • Now find dl with d"\\small \\theta" by differentiating (3) w.r.t "\\theta"

"\\qquad\\qquad\\qquad\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\small dl &= \\small -\\frac{d}{\\sin^2\\theta}*d\\theta\n\\end{aligned}"

  • Now re-writing equation (1) we get,

"\\qquad\\qquad\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\small dB &= \\small \\frac{\\mu_0i}{4\\pi}\\bigg(\\frac{(\\frac{-d}{\\sin^2\\theta_1}*d\\theta)\\sin \\theta }{(\\frac{d}{\\sin\\theta_1})^2}\\bigg)\\\\\n&= \\small \\frac{\\mu_0i}{4\\pi}\\bigg(\\frac{-\\sin\\theta_1}{d}d\\theta\\bigg)\\\\\n&= \\small \\frac{-\\mu_0i}{4\\pi d}\\big(\\sin\\theta d\\theta\\big)\n\\end{aligned}"

  • Now integrate over the AB length of the conductor to obtain the net magnetic field on P

"\\qquad\\qquad\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\small \\intop dB &= \\small \\frac{-\\mu_0i}{4\\pi d} \\intop_{\\theta_1}^{(\\pi-\\theta_2)} \\sin\\theta d\\theta\\\\\n\\small B &= \\small \\frac{-\\mu_0i}{4\\pi d}\\big(-\\cos\\theta_2 - \\cos\\theta_1\\big)\\\\\n&= \\small \\frac{\\mu_0i}{4\\pi d}\\big(\\cos\\theta_2 + \\cos\\theta_1\\big)\n\\end{aligned}"

  • Now this is for the effect from a finite length conductor & as the conductor is infinite, "\\theta_1,\\theta_2 \\to0 \\,\\,\\text{and}\\,\\, \\cos\\theta_1,\\cos\\theta_2\\to 1"

  • Therefore, magnetic field strength on a point due to a conductor of infinite length becomes,

"\\qquad\\qquad\\qquad\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\small B = \\small \\frac{\\mu_0i}{2\\pi d}\n\\end {aligned}"


  • Magnetic field on 4A carrying conductor due to the other conductor,

"\\qquad\\qquad\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\small B &= \\small \\frac{4\\pi\\times10^{-7}TmA^{-1}\\times6A}{2\\pi\\times0.1m}\\\\\n&= \\small \\bold{1.2\\times10^{-5}T}\n\\end{aligned}"

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