Holding a bottle in air by hand indicates that net force on bottle is 0
But we are applying a force to keep it in air then it is not moving
Expert's answer
There are two forces: the weight of a bottle and the contact force exerted by our hand. These forces are not zero but when the bottle doesn’t move the net force is zero.
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Assignment Expert
11.09.18, 21:01
Dear Charvi, the first one is the bottle's weight (it acts on your
hand with it's weight). And you must compensate this force with your
arm, so yes, the second force is "the force which we are constantly
applying in upward direction of bottle to equal its weight".
11.09.18, 12:50
So there are 2 forces One is what we applying by our hands ie we
pressing it or holding it (bottle) And second is the force which we
are constantly applying in upward direction of bottle to equal its
weight Actually i want to confirm what i have understood from the ans
is correct or not
Assignment Expert
06.06.18, 18:22
06.06.18, 18:11
So is that so that we balance the weight of bottle by our applied
force in upward direction
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Dear Charvi, the first one is the bottle's weight (it acts on your hand with it's weight). And you must compensate this force with your arm, so yes, the second force is "the force which we are constantly applying in upward direction of bottle to equal its weight".
So there are 2 forces One is what we applying by our hands ie we pressing it or holding it (bottle) And second is the force which we are constantly applying in upward direction of bottle to equal its weight Actually i want to confirm what i have understood from the ans is correct or not
So is that so that we balance the weight of bottle by our applied force in upward direction
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