Explain why the risk of detriment to a person due to being exposed to a radioactive substance is impacted by the quantity of the sample, its half-life and means of exposure
(proximity vs contact on exterior of the body vs administered internally).
"Radiation exposure" refers to the situation where the body is in the presence of radiation.
There are two types of radiation exposure, "internal exposure" and "external exposure."
External exposure means to receive radiation that comes from radioactive materials
existing on the ground, suspended in the air, or attached to clothes or the surface of the
body ("External Exposure and Skin").
Conversely, internal exposure is caused (i) when a person has a meal and takes
in radioactive materials in the food or drink (ingestion); (ii) when a person breathes in
radioactive materials in the air (inhalation); (iii) when radioactive materials are absorbed
through the skin (percutaneous absorption); (iv) when radioactive materials enter the body
from a wound (wound contamination); and (v) when radiopharmaceuticals containing
radioactive materials are administered for the purpose of medical treatment. Once
radioactive materials enter the body, the body will continue to be exposed to radiation until
the radioactive materials are excreted in the urine or feces (biological half-life) or as the
radioactivity weakens over time ( "Internal Exposure").
The difference between internal exposure and external exposure lies in whether the
source that emits radiation is inside or outside the body. The body is equally exposed to
radiation in both cases
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