The general theory of relativity for such an object becomes important when its physical radius "R" becomes comparable to its Schwarzschild radius, which is given by the formula
"r_s = \\frac{2 G M}{c^2} \\, ,"where "G" is the Newton's gravitational constant, "M" is the mass of the star, and "c" is the speed of light. Estimating the mass as "M = 4 \\pi \\rho R^3 \/ 3", where "\\rho" is the average density, we conclude that the importance of the general theory of relativity is determined by the magnitude of the ratio
"\\frac{r_s}{R} = \\frac{8 \\pi G \\rho R^2}{3 c^2} \\, ."It remains to substitute the values "G = 6.67 \\times 10^{-11}\\,\\text{m}^3 \/ \\text{kg s}^2", "\\rho = 10^6\\, \\text{g} \/ \\text{cm}^3 = 10^9\\, \\text{kg} \/ \\text{m}^3", "R = 10^9\\, \\text{cm} = 10^7\\, \\text{m}", and "c = 3 \\times 10^8\\, \\text{m} \/ \\text{s}". We obtain
"\\frac{r_s}{R} \\approx 6 \\times 10^{-4} \\, ."The smallness of this ratio means that the effects of general relativity are insignificant. If the star shrinks to a radius thousand times smaller, its mass and, therefore, its Shwarzschild radius remain the same. Hence, the ratio "r_s\/R" increases thousand times and reaches the value of about 0.6. In this case, the general theory of relativity will be needed to study the dynamics of the star.
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