Problem: 3. Our neighbor galaxy, Andromeda, has a luminosity (intrinsic brightness)
3 times as bright as the Luminosity of our Milky Way galaxy, LAndromeda = 3LMW, and
is at a distance of dAndromeda = 0.7 Mpc. The flux we observe from the Andromeda
galaxy (apparent brightness) is 10,000 times brighter than the flux observed from a distant
quasar, fAndromeda = 104fquasar. This quasar has a luminosity that is 1000 times the
luminosity of our Milky Way galaxy, Lquasar = 103LMW. What is the distance d to the
quasar? (4 points)
A. 1.28 × 10−1Mpc
B. 3.85Mpc
C. 1.28 × 103Mpc
D. 2.36 × 106Mpc
E. 3.85 × 1012Mpc
The answer to the question is available in the PDF file
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