1) Ω>1 - true, because there is positive curvature
2)k is less than 0 - false, k=+1
3)The universe is infinite - false, the universe in this case is not infinite
4)The universe will end in a Big Crunch. - true
5)If you travel far enough in a straight line, you will return to where you started. - true, because the universe is closed
6)The internal angles of a large enough triangle will add up to less than 180 degrees. - false, it is more than 180 degrees.
7) π is less than 3.14159265359... on large scales - true; pi is not a constant any more, the ratio of circumference to its diameter depends on distance, but any ratio of circumference to its diameter will be less than pi in curved geometry.
Answer: 1), 4), 5), 7).
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