Philosophy Answers

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How can the concept of ubuntu

be used to accommodate and teach multicultural disadvantaged learners in your


Discuss how you as a teacher will

accommodate and teach

multicultural disadvantaged

learners in your classroom, with

reference to Ubuntu.(10)

Discuss the concept of ubuntu in an

African philosophy of education.

What is Afriacan philosophy

1 How can you practice the principles of Ubuntu during your teaching practice phase using the following principles

1.1 Caring

1.2 Humble

1.3 Socially sensitive

1.4 Hospitable

Briefly discuss how functionalist propose to deal with racial minorities

Unpack gender differences according to conflict theoriste

How can a culture as a tradition be explained

Explain the concept of diversity and indicate it's relevance to the South African context

Differentiate between cosmopolitan citizenship and cosmopolitan citizenship education

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