Question 17 : The term sound and unsound argument are specifically used for _____________
invalid deductive argument
invalid argument
valid inductive argumentQuestion 19 : If the conclusion of an argument seems to be proven simply because nobody has contradicted it means ______
the argument is powerful
it is the truth
the oratory influence
it appears to be ignorant
Question 20 : In logic the term true or false are used to qualify___________
valid deductive argument
Dear Murahi, You have placed a large number of questions. We would
like to advise you to gather the questions in one subject into one
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document) and place orders for assignments in Philosophy and
separately in Chemistry and upload the Word files with all the
questions. This way we will find good experts to answer your questions
much quicker. Thank you for cooperation.
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Dear Murahi, You have placed a large number of questions. We would like to advise you to gather the questions in one subject into one Word document (for example, all the Philosophy questions - into one Word document, all the chemistry questions - into another Word document) and place orders for assignments in Philosophy and separately in Chemistry and upload the Word files with all the questions. This way we will find good experts to answer your questions much quicker. Thank you for cooperation.
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