1. How does globalization reshape the different dimensions of our lives?
2. What is the role of ethics in a globalized world?
3. Does moral pluralism seek balance in competing principles? Explain your answer.
4. Does pluralism downplay a dialogue between subcultures and larger cultures?
a) How globalization reshapes different dimensions of our lives
Globalization has changed our lives through different ways as follows; improved living standards through roads and transportation improvement, improved health care, and improvement in education as a result of global expansion of corporations.
b) Role of Ethics
The cultural differences help people understand and value how clients and peers in other countries approach work and help bridge the cultural gaps, and ultimately, improve chances of succeeding in the global marketplace.
Due to the constant changing global business environment which is becoming more diverse, one cannot assume that their own values and ethics are the only “right” way to approach business relationships with other countries. By helping an organization appreciate the differences between cultures, you will help your employees better understand how to best approach their work as the company scales globally.
Yes. This is because it declares that it is difficult sometimes choosing between competing values and each value is worthy respecting. One should analyse the issues from several moral view points before deciding and taking action.
No, because, minority groups are allowed to participate fully in the dominant society culture and still maintain their cultural differences.
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