Analyze the success of one solution to the problem of evil and suffering
The solution to the problem of evil and suffering is voluntary sacrifice in order to alleviate suffering. Natural evil, which is the apparent malfunctioning of the natural world, such as disease and natural disasters, and Moral evil, which is when humans commit acts of viciousness or injustice upon other humans or animals.
The success of the problem of evil and suffering is explained by Augustine Theodicy. Augustine believed that God is right not to intervene to put a stop to suffering. He firmly thought that God is a righteous one who at the end of time will deal with those who rejected him. A key idea central to Augustine's defense of God is his Principle of Plenitude. This principle shows the great diversity of the universe that God created so a whole range of 'eternal ideas' should become incarnated in a world of sense and experience. So, even though there is inequality and unfairness, God's world is still 'perfect' because it is diverse. Although, the world looks imperfect to us because we are looking at it from a limited and distorted perspective. Therefore, Augustine's theodicy says that all things that God created are good and even the apparent evil in our world contributes to bringing about perfection as a whole. Evil was a necessary element since it leads to a greater good. A world in which there can be no pain or suffering would be morally static.' In other words, suffering is part of God's plan.
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