1. Are all forms of thinking correct and logical? How would you characterize correct and logical thinking then?
2.How does conception or simple apprehension happen?
1. Are all forms of thinking correct and logical? How would you characterize correct and logical thinking then?
Correct and Logical thinking is a kind of thinking in which we try to solve a problem, decide, or determine what is true. It is thinking with a purpose which is to conclude. All forms of thinking are not always correct and logical. Correct and Logical thinking should always ensure that Logical thinkers observe and analyze phenomena, reactions, and feedback and then draw conclusions based on that input. Secondly, can justify their strategies, actions, and decisions based on the facts they gather. Thirdly, logical thinking skills require and involve a progressive analysis like weighing available options and considering pros and cons before making a decision and do not consider the elements of feelings and emotions.
2. How does conception or simple apprehension happen?
Simple apprehension is the act by which the mind grasps the concept of an object without affirming or denying anything about it. It occurs by perceiving it with our senses, then we have a mental image of it, and we conceive its meaning. Perception lasts as long as you see or hear or smell or taste or touch an object, and it stops when you stop doing these things. It is associated with how we perceive it with our senses, form an image, and conceive its meaning. It varies from one person to the other. It doesn't involve judgment.
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