According to Bible, why is heterosexual sex natural and moral while homosexual sex is unnatural and immoral?
Heterosexuality and Homosexuality
Heterosexuality is considered moral and natural because the story of creation gives a clear account of the events. The man was created for women and vice versa. Moreover, heterosexuality leads to procreation and that is why God placed man and woman together so that they could fill the earth. The Bible says that people were created in his image, and that means they should emulate his holiness and teachings on same-sex marriages. As much as it opposes same-sex marriages, the Bible further concludes that from the beginning, the story of Adam and Eve clearly shows that the only form of sexuality that is recognized is heterosexuality (Cochran, 2020).
Homosexuality is an issue of concern, especially for firm believers. It is viewed as unnatural and immoral because the bible outlines clearly that homosexuality is a sin, and it is therefore unacceptable. Any form of sexual immorality is highly condemned in the bible. The reason is that sex is a holy union between a man and a woman who are husband and wife. Any other sexual deed between people of the same gender is, therefore, disregarded The Bible, therefore, and rejects homosexuality because it tends to go against the intended purpose of God and nature.
In the book of Mark 10;6-8, the Bible says that ‘“From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh…” it shows that a woman will leave their father and mother and unite with a man and the two will be one. Procreation is natural because the two can bear children. One of the points to note is that the Bible does not advocate for spite or hate against homosexuals (Allberry, 2017).
Homosexuality is becoming rampant in modern-day society, and more people are turning out to be gay despite the societal and biblical values that do not support it. Nations are also embracing gay marriages, although countries that have embraced Christianity for very long do not approve of gay marriages or any form of homosexuality. The Bible is against any type of sin, and homosexuality is categorized as a sexual sin that is unnatural and significantly immoral. The reason why homosexuality is viewed as unnatural is because no procreation can occur between two people of the same gender. Another reason is that sex is only allowed for husband and wife. Heterosexuality is therefore encouraged since its natural. Based on the biblical approach it is safe to say that homosexuality is a sin which means its unnatural, and immoral.
Cochran, K. (2020). Homosexuality: From the Bible to Today. Dr. Kimberly Cochran.
Allberry, S. (2017). What does the Bible say about homosexuality?. Living Out. Accessed December, 11.
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