Discuss utilitarianism. Is utilitarianism a good and plausible moral theory? Is the theory correct in claiming that only consequences matter to morals? Answer by explaining the utilitarian idea of the goal of moral action. Examine the definition of “happiness” or human flourishing of the sort the utilitarian wishes to maximize, by comparing and contrasting Bentham’s and Mill’s theories of utility/pleasure. Or, give two examples of how utilitarianism is used in making public policy, and state whether you believe applying utilitarianism to those cases is appropriate and persuasive. Questions to consider include: do all types of pleasure have the same value? In your discussion, show how utilitarianism can be applied to a particular moral issue (the treatment of animals, same-sex relationships, euthanasia, etc.). Be sure to consider an objection to utilitarianism in your evaluation, and respond to it.
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