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Is it reasonable to expect firms to take actions that are in the public interest but are detrimental to stockholders? Is regulation always necessary and appropriate to induce firms to act in the public interest? Substantiate with real world examples
As the world grapples with the corona pandemic, one common view that has emerged and held by many researchers and health professionals throughout the world is that patients with preexisting conditions tend to be more vulnerable to the disease(in terms of number of fatalities). Assume that this view has not been independently and scientifically investigated in Ghana. As a young scientist, you are also personally interested in elucidating how this disease is spreading and impacting people in Ghana. Fortunately, your supervisor asks you to conduct a simple study to investigate this problem in Ghana:
1. Mention any seven steps you will follow in undertaking this study
2. What would be your null and alternative hypotheses
3. Briefly describe the type of data and the source you would like to collect for your study
4. How would your study benefit the people of Ghana
5. Of what benefit would this study be to you the researcher?
In the context of your organisation, evaluate options for the financing of business activities. You are required to include in your evaluation the characteristics of the different sources of finance.
You have just been hired by a firm in a large city. The organization has two locations with office buildings of four stories or less. It employs about sixty people. As part of your new job, you have been asked to draft a new company safety policy, because the one in place is several years old and no longer useful.

Assignment Directions
Part 1: Write a short one-paragraph (less than 150 words) introduction to the policy. Be sure to address your audience.
Part 2: Construct a table of contents for the policy.
Part 3: Write an outline of the topics covered in your new policy.
Reflect on a time in your life that visual art, not music or theater, made an impact on you. It could be making art if you have had that experience. Did you see a monument that moved you? Did you go to a museum and had a moment? Did you see some one else making art that you thought was amazing?
Describe a time in your life that a single song played an important part in that moment (every time you hear that song it trigger a certain moment in your life that you will never forget) describe reason that the song made a permanent memory for you. Double space between 400 -600 words.
12. A hospital receives 30% of its COVID-19 vaccine shipments from National Health Service
and the remainder of its shipments from neighbouring West African countries. Each shipment contains a very large number of vaccine vials. For NHS’s shipments, 8% of the
vials are ineffective and for the neighbouring countries, 3% of the vials are ineffective.
The hospital tests 30 randomly selected vials from a shipment and finds that one is ineffective. What is the probability that the shipment came from neighbouring West
African countries?

3. A financial analyst has found out that, policyholders are four times as likely to file two
claims as to file four claims. If the number of claims filed has a Poisson distribution,
what is the expected value of the number of claims filed?
Discuss teachers' working relationship within and beyond the classroom?
List and explain with practical examples the key elements that should be included in the learning programme. Demonstrate your answer with practical examples from the CAPS document
a student in the lunchroom threw a 0.5 kg burrito at a zombie. he accelerated the burrito at 3 m/s power of 2. how much force did he use?
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