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Can you write 4 concert reviews in four hundred words for each concert review?
Essay In your own words describe what a bond is, discuss the different types of bonds that are available and describe the advantages of owning a bond.
You started to work for a consulting firm and have seen that many of the management practices have not developed as situations in the business environment warrants. An accountant said this by saying that a percentage of its profit margin is being lost because of this situation. She gave the example of how the surveying department spent hours generating data that had been generated two weeks ago by another unit and this had become a recurrent issue
The managers in the firm also don't have clearly defined roles.They are not able to perform all the functions required of them due to the ineffectiveness of the organizational structure.

1. What recommendations would you make in your report to assure that this situation should not happen again
Post something that is surprising to you about one aspect of the formal language of art, with an image of the piece of work that demonstrates your observation. Some suggestions could be: Is there something that surprised you about how artists talk about or use color? Or how artists imply movement, rhythm, or how scale changes our perception of an object?
Write the most likely causative microorganism and disease of the following cases and explain sign, symptoms and control measures.
1. Your patient is a 20-year-old woman with the sudden onset of fever to 40 0C and a severe headache. Physical examination reveals nuchal rigidity. You suspect meningitis and do a spinal tap. Gram stain of the spinal fluid reveals many neutrophils and many gram-negative diplococci.

2. A 25-year-old woman with itching, burning at vulva and abnormal white vaginal discharge. Yeasts was observed by microscopic examination of vaginal secretions.

3. Meningitidis developed in the newborn baby within 5 days after birth. While the mother of baby was pregnant, she was consuming unpasteurized milk products .

4. A male patient has a wound infection with blue-greenish colored pus and special smell. This bacteria is gram negative, rod shaped and non- fermentative.
a game of chance entails three coins. For each head that comes up, the placer receives sh 1000 and loses 800 for any tail that comes up. To play the game, one pays sj 1500. Is it advisable to play the game?
Identify an American artist who was active between 1920 - 1970 and tell me why you choose them. What did they represented? What were some of the values that they displayed both on and off stage?
In this activity, you are expected to analyse a business leader that you admire because of their
communication skills. Note; it’s not all about how much money they make. You should look at how
they run their company, how they communicate internally and externally, how they recruit, how they
lead, etc. Similar to the communications portfolio, this task will require you to observe, listen, analyse
and critique the many modes of communication that exist in the world of business. You will explore
major areas of verbal communication, non-verbal communication, listening effectively, managing
business relationships, resolving conflict, negotiating successfully, personal interactions, written
communication for business, intercultural communication and social media. Make sure you provide
plenty of evidence and back up your views with the relevant theory.
The recent collapse of some banks and financial institutions and the merger of others in ghana is proof that the financial system which consists of institutional units and markets that interact, typically in a complex manner, for the purpose of mobilizing funds for investment and providing facilities, including payment systems, for the financing of commercial activity remains unprotected in spite of the the presence of the Regulator and a solid legal system backing it. From the discussion in class and available literature, examine some of the difficulties associated with the financial system and how these challenges have been addressed by the Banks and Specialised Deposit Taking Institutions Act 2016 (Act 930). Are there any novel ways by which some of the challenges may be resolved in your opinion?
Délifrance is a bakery company that produces "French style" bakery, savoury and snacking products that wishes to enter India’s Retail market. Conduct a PESTLE analysis for Délifrance in India & suggest whether Délifrance should enter India or otherwise
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