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Search & Filtering

Sales (150000 units @ $30) $4,500,000
Cost of Goods Sold:
Materials $1,050,000
Labour 1,500,000
Variable FOH 450,000
Fixed FOH 500,000 3,500,000
Gross Profit $1,000,000
Variable Marketing Expenses $ 135,000
Fixed Marketing Expenses 185,000
Fixed Administrative Expenses 180,000 500,000
Income before Tax $ 500,000
Income Tax 250,000
Net Inco me $ 250,000

Woodstock is preparing its budget for the coming year and has made the following predictions about cost increases: material 5%, labour
8%, all other costs including fixed 6%. Productive capacity is 200,000 units.
The president has been offered various proposals by the division managers as follows:
• Maintain the present volume and sales price
• Produce and sell at capacity and reduce the unit price $28.
• Raise the unit price to $32, spend an extra # 300,000 on advertising, and produce and sell 180,000 un its.

Recommended action, based on quantification of alternatives.

A rotary vacuum filter is available with an area of 200 m^2 and vacuum pressure of 75 kPa. Filter leaf tests have been performed on a cell broth with a viscosity of 5 cP.

The leaf tests gave a specific cake resistance of 1×10^11 cm/g and medium resistance of 1×10^8 cm-1. The cake solids (dry basis) per volume of filtrate was 15 g/L. It is desired to operate the large filter with cycle time of 45 s and a cake formation time of 10 s. What is the filtration rate expected for the rotary vacuum filter? How significant is the resistance medium?

In each stage of orange juice production from time of harvesting orange to time of juice processing i need to know how i can clarify the cost into it's category?

1.1 use a diagram to show the three main types of galaxies.
1.2 investigate from your community the cultural beliefs about the stars?
1.3 explain using mind maps/flow charts/diagrams /tables. How:
1.1.3 the sun produces energy
1.1.4 describe and illustrate the role of energy from the sun in plants making its own food, explaining concepts like, producers, photosynthesis, etc.
1.4 why is pluto a dwarf planet?

1.5 critically discuss what causes seasons.
1.6 distinguish between the length of day and night during the following
A, summer
B, winter
1.7 what is the difference between the universe and the galaxy.

1.8 what is gravity?
1.9 what do we call a theory that explains how space relates to time?
1.10 define the following eclipse.
A, solar eclipse
B, lunar eclipse
1.11 discuss the important discoveries in astronomy by different people in the last 100 years.
1.12 write a 2 page essay about the history of mining in South Africa.

It is desired to filter a cell broth at a rate of 1700 liters/h on a rotary vacuum filter at a vacuum pressure of 70kPa. The cycle time for the drum will be 60 s, and the cake formation time (filtering time) will be 15 s. The broth to be filtered has a viscosity of 0.08 P and a cake solids (dry basis) per volume of filtrate of 10 g/l. From laboratory tests, the specific cake resistance has been determined to be 9 x 1010 cm/g. Determine the area of the filter that is required. The resistance of the filter can be neglected. 

 It is then desired to wash the product (antibiotic) out of the cake so that only 5% of the antibiotic in the cake is left after washing. The washing efficiency is 50%. Estimate the washing time per cycle that would be required. Assume that the filtered cake contains 70% water

Use the following Dewey call numbers to answer this question:
1.370.23 MORR
2.371.03 LANS
3.371.33 SCHU
4.371.35 ROSS
A book with the call number 371.33ROSS, would be placed:
1.Between 1 and 2
2.Between 2 and 3
3. Between 3 and 4
4. After 4

gene present in rice on chromosome 9 confers tolerance to submergence in rice. You are a plant breeder and want to develop submergence tolerant rice variety through marker assisted selection. What steps will be taken to produce submergence tolerant rice variety. Discuss each step accordingly

(long essay)

Besides skin colour, what other elements are used to distinguish people based on their race/ethnicity?

With the assistance of the appropriate diagrams, describe in detail the THREE (3) conditions in the conventional radiography technique that needs to be fulfilled, so that the image formed is approximately the same size as the specimen inspected.

Children's learning is best supported through a play-based, informal approach towards teaching and learning that promotes the holistic development of children. play as a pedagogy is regarded as one of the effective methods of developing the child holistically. Briefly discuss and give practical examples of how you would apply a PLAY-BASED, INFORMAL APPROACH TO DEVELOP YOUR LEARNERS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: Physically, emotionally, socially and mentally
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