1. “The Internet a typhoon force, a ten times force, or is it a bit of wind? Or is it a force that fundamentally alters our business?” (Grove, 1996).
According to the meteorological analogy given by Mr. Andy Grove, Chairman of Intel, used with the Internet, explain how your organization can achieve significant cost savings and marketing benefits through the use of the internet technology.
Expert's answer
Good and rapid communications can help increase productivity, improve business decision-making and a company’s expansion into new territories or countries. Streamlined work flow systems, shared storage and collaborative work spaces can increase efficiency in the company and allow employees to complete a greater level of work in a shorter period of time. Adoption of information technology resources such as internet allows companies to have and maintain a competitive advantage over their rivals and to get a better share in the market and be more profitable.
All organization operate within an enviroment that influences the way
in which they conduct business such enviroment create opportunities as
well as threats discuss the strategy of your organization according to
the specificities of your business environment
Assignment Expert
10.12.15, 20:16
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10.12.15, 20:01
All organizations operate within an environment that influences the
way in which they conduct business; such environments create
opportunities as well as threats. Discuss the strategy of your
organization according to the specificities of your business
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All organization operate within an enviroment that influences the way in which they conduct business such enviroment create opportunities as well as threats discuss the strategy of your organization according to the specificities of your business environment
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All organizations operate within an environment that influences the way in which they conduct business; such environments create opportunities as well as threats. Discuss the strategy of your organization according to the specificities of your business environment!
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