The lateral cord of the right brachial plexus of a right handed 35 yr old male is completely severed.
Discuss the clinical presentation of the patient in terms of muscle function of the right upper extremity. Be specific about what muscles might be affected and to what extent. If you wish to add the sensory deficits expected as well, that is fine.
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michelle mckay
25.11.20, 23:48
Discuss how the greater sciatic notch, the piriformis muscle, and the
sciatic nerve are interrelated anatomically. Further, describe a
situation that might lead to sciatica or radiating pains in the
posterior lower extremity stemming from irritation or inflammation of
the sciatic nerve.
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Discuss how the greater sciatic notch, the piriformis muscle, and the sciatic nerve are interrelated anatomically. Further, describe a situation that might lead to sciatica or radiating pains in the posterior lower extremity stemming from irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
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