Think about your school experience of learning English. How has it benefited you? (Describe, explain, give examples)
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10.10.20, 16:22
Suppose they tell you that certain object has six faces. Is it
possible that the object is a rectangular prism? Can you be sure that
it is actually a rectangular prism? If you think you can not be sure,
explain why.
10.10.20, 16:17
Draw the following rectangular prism: The object has six faces. All
faces are squares.
10.10.20, 15:33
Plan five PowerPoint slides (use one A4 sheet per PowerPoint slide)
and indicate for each PowerPoint slide the content that you would
present to the learners
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Dear Zandile, please use the panel for submitting new questions.
Suppose they tell you that certain object has six faces. Is it possible that the object is a rectangular prism? Can you be sure that it is actually a rectangular prism? If you think you can not be sure, explain why.
Draw the following rectangular prism: The object has six faces. All faces are squares.
Plan five PowerPoint slides (use one A4 sheet per PowerPoint slide) and indicate for each PowerPoint slide the content that you would present to the learners
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