1. Ramone (8 months) is holding a rattle in his fist. He shakes it, bangs it on the table, and smiles.
a. Describe the experience?
b. Verbalize her feelings?
c. Show that you value what she is doing?
d. Play with language?
2. Jackie (14 months) is rolling a ball back and forth with you. It rolls under a table. Jackie bends down and watches it roll out of her reach.
a. Describe what happened?
b. Verbalize her feelings?
c. Encourage her to solve the problem?
d. Build vocabulary by using descriptive words?
3. Dominique (22 months) is having a hard time getting the pieces to fit into a new puzzle that includes pictures of different tools.
a. Describe what is happening?
b. Verbalize his feelings?
c. Help him succeed?
d. Build vocabulary?
4. Natasha (33 months) has lined up the toy trains. She is putting the train tracks together and can’t make them fit.
a. Build vocabulary?
b. Describe what is happening?
c. Ask an open-ended question?
d. Promote problem solving?
e. Build vocabulary?
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