We have to use the trigonometric equivalences for the sum of angles and the pitagoric relation to find:
"(\\sin x+ \\cos x)^4=\\Big((\\sin x+ \\cos x)^2 \\Big)^2\n\\\\=(\\sin^2 x+ \\cos^2 x+2 \\sin x \\cos x )^2\n \\\\ \\text{Then we use the relations}\n\\\\ \\sin^2 x+\\cos^2 x=1\n\\\\ \\text{and } 2 \\sin x \\cos x =\\sin{2x}\n \\\\ \\text{to find}\n\\\\ (\\sin x+ \\cos x)^4= (1+\\sin {2x} )^2 \n\\\\ (\\sin x+ \\cos x)^4= 1+2\\sin{2x}+\\sin ^2{2x}"
Then, after we prove that "(\\sin x+ \\cos x)^4= 1+2\\sin{2x}+\\sin ^2{2x}", we use one of the relation to find the value of x that safisfies "(\\sin x+ \\cos x)^4=0"
"(\\sin x+ \\cos x)^4=0\n\\\\ (1+\\sin {2x})^2=0\n\\\\ \\sqrt {(1+2\\sin {x}\\cos x)^2}=0\n\\\\ 1+2\\sin {x}\\cos x=0 \n\\\\\\implies \\sin {x}\\cos x=-\\frac{1}{2}=-\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}\\times\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}"
Now, since we need a value for x that implies a positive value for the sine and a negative value for the cosine under "90<x<180" and that also has to be equal in magnitude, which implies that x has to be 135° since
"\\sin{135\u00b0}\\times \\cos{135\u00b0}=\\cfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}\\times-\\cfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}=-\\cfrac{1}{2}"
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