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08.11.13, 10:06
There's no b in the RHS because we substitute tan(b)=tan(45-a) =2
cos(a)/(cos(a)+sin(a))-1 into the expression instead of tan b. The
main idea of the solution is that we can gather pairs of angles which
will give 45 summed up, like say 1+44, 2+43 and so on.
03.11.13, 10:25
(1+tan(a) )( 1+ tan(b) )=[ (sin(a)+cos(a))/cos(a)
]*[2cos(a)/(cos(a)+sin(a))]=2 how did this happen... why is there no
'b' in the RHS ?? can u please give the detailed steps of the above
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There's no b in the RHS because we substitute tan(b)=tan(45-a) =2 cos(a)/(cos(a)+sin(a))-1 into the expression instead of tan b. The main idea of the solution is that we can gather pairs of angles which will give 45 summed up, like say 1+44, 2+43 and so on.
(1+tan(a) )( 1+ tan(b) )=[ (sin(a)+cos(a))/cos(a) ]*[2cos(a)/(cos(a)+sin(a))]=2 how did this happen... why is there no 'b' in the RHS ?? can u please give the detailed steps of the above equation?
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