"Var(X)=\\sigma^2={1 \\over N}\\displaystyle\\sum_{i=1}^N(x_i-\\overline{x})^2"
"\\overline{x}={1 \\over N}\\displaystyle\\sum_{i=1}^Nx_i""\\overline{x}=3.7236"
The inter-quartile range "IQR" is the distance from the third quartile (75th percentile) to first quartile (25th percentile) on a frequency distribution.
The first quartile "Q_1" is the point which gives us 25% of the area to the left of it and 75% to the right of it.
The third quartile "Q_3" is the point which gives us 75% of the area to the left of it and 25% of the area to the right of it.
"Q_1={3.67+3.67 \\over 2}=3.67"
"Q_3={3.77+3.78 \\over 2}=3.775"
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