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Hassan Hussein
15.10.18, 21:21
Given the following equations for a certain economy: Y = C + I + G + X
(Income identity) C =100 +0.9Yd (Consumption function) I = 200 –500r
(Investment function) X = 100 – 0.12Y –500r (Net export) G = 200
(Government purchases) T = 0.2 (Tax rate) L = Y-100r (Real money
demand) M = 800 (Real money supply). Derive equations for IS and LM
curves . Determine the r and y pair at which the two markets are
clearing iii) Compute the values of C, I, X and L
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Dear visitor, please use the panel for submitting new questions.
Given the following equations for a certain economy: Y = C + I + G + X (Income identity) C =100 +0.9Yd (Consumption function) I = 200 –500r (Investment function) X = 100 – 0.12Y –500r (Net export) G = 200 (Government purchases) T = 0.2 (Tax rate) L = Y-100r (Real money demand) M = 800 (Real money supply). Derive equations for IS and LM curves . Determine the r and y pair at which the two markets are clearing iii) Compute the values of C, I, X and L
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