A certain disease is spread by only direct contact. The probability of a healthy person to get infect by a single direct contact is 0.02. What is the chance that a healthy person gets infected with the disease by the fourth time he comes into contact with an infected person. (assume contact with the other person is independent)
Thank you for correcting us. The value of 1-0.98^4 is the probability
of being infected any time of the whole period when all four contacts
occur. The value of 0.98^3*0.02 is the probability of being infected
only the last fourth time a healthy person comes into contact with an
infected person.
22.11.17, 04:25
Some would compute it as 1 - 0.98^4 = 0.0776. What would be the
difference? My school gives the solution as such.
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Thank you for correcting us. The value of 1-0.98^4 is the probability of being infected any time of the whole period when all four contacts occur. The value of 0.98^3*0.02 is the probability of being infected only the last fourth time a healthy person comes into contact with an infected person.
Some would compute it as 1 - 0.98^4 = 0.0776. What would be the difference? My school gives the solution as such.
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