A contractor decided to build homes that will include the middle 80% of the market. If the average size of the hoomes built is 1810 square feet, find the maximum and minimum sizes of the homes the contractor should build. Assume that the standard deviation is 92 square feet and the variable is normally distributed.
Dear Jovert, please use the panel for submitting a new question.
Assignment Expert
24.02.21, 16:13
Dear Dulce, a solution describes that 0.8=0.4-(-0.4).
15.02.21, 03:31
A contractor builds houses that include the 50% of the market. The
average size of the houses he builds is 80 square meters and the
standard deviation is 10 square meters. Assume that the variable is
normally distributed, what are the maximum and minimum sizes of houses
he should build?
21.10.20, 08:37
Where did 0.8 come from? And how did you find 0.8?
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Dear Jovert, please use the panel for submitting a new question.
Dear Dulce, a solution describes that 0.8=0.4-(-0.4).
A contractor builds houses that include the 50% of the market. The average size of the houses he builds is 80 square meters and the standard deviation is 10 square meters. Assume that the variable is normally distributed, what are the maximum and minimum sizes of houses he should build?
Where did 0.8 come from? And how did you find 0.8?
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