Recall that 65 purchasers have participated in a survey and have rated the XYZ-Box video game system. The composite ratings that have been obtained are as follows:
a. Construct a stem-and-leaf display for the 65 composite ratings. Hint: Each whole number rating can be written with an “implied tenth place” of zero. For instance, 39 can be written as 39.0. Use the implied zeros as the leaf values and the whole numbers 36, 37, 38, 39, etc. as the stem values.
b. Describe the distribution of composite ratings.
c. If we consider a purchaser to be “very satisfied” if his or her composite score is at least 42, can we say that almost all purchasers of the XYZ-Box video game system are “very satisfied”?
The answer to the question is available in the PDF file
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